Grandma’s strawberry jam recipe: the best recipe for a delicious homemade jam!

Recette de confiture de fraise de grand-mère : la meilleure recette pour une délicieuse confiture maison !

How much sugar is needed to make jam?

Several factors should be considered when determining how much sugar to add to a jam recipe. First, know that the more acidic a fruit, the less sugar you need. Then you also need to consider how much fruit you have. For a large amount of strawberries, you can add about 500 grams of sugar.

For a foolproof strawberry jam recipe, start by placing the strawberries in a large saucepan. Then add the sugar and mix well. Then put the pan on the fire and cook over low heat for about an hour. Of course, don’t forget to stir occasionally.

When the jam is cooked, put it in jars and leave to cool. Your strawberry jam is now ready to be tasted!

On the same subject

Why put lemon in strawberry jam?

In this recipe, lemon is used to add a touch of acidity to the strawberry jam. This compensates for the added sugar and gives a more natural flavor to the jam. In addition, the lemon adds a fresh and slightly astringent note to the jam.

To make a flawless strawberry jam, you must first cook the strawberries well. They must be very ripe and perfectly clean. Then put them in a large saucepan with the sugar and lemon juice. Then add a few drops of water and boil. Let the jam cook for about 15 minutes, stirring regularly.

When the jam is cooked, let it cool for a few minutes before putting it in sterilized jars. Close the jars and let them cool completely before putting them in the fridge. Your strawberry jam is now ready to be tasted!

How to have thick strawberry jam?

To have a thick strawberry jam, you must first cook the strawberries well. Add strawberries and sugar to a large saucepan and mix well. Put the pan on the fire and cook, stirring regularly. Once the strawberries are cooked, add a layer of jam to each jar. Then put the layers of jam in the jars. Let cool and place in the refrigerator. Your big strawberry jam is now ready to enjoy!

Making delicious homemade jams: the best recipes

1. Strawberry jam is a great classic of French cuisine. This recipe is foolproof and very easy to make.

2. Start by thoroughly cleaning your strawberries. Then cut them into small pieces and put them in a pan.

3. Then add the sugar and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes.

4. Next, put the jam in jars and cool. Your homemade strawberry jam is now ready to be tasted!

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