Fruit sugar proportion jam

Confiture proportion sucre fruit

Fruit sugar proportion jam: Everything you need to know

Fruit sugar proportion jam: Everything you need to know
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Jam is a delicious spread made from fruit and sugar. It is often eaten at breakfast on sandwiches, croissants and rusks. However, making this sweetness can be tricky if you don’t get the sugar and fruit ratios right.

The proportion of sugar and fruit in the jam is an essential element that determines the sugar content and the texture of the jam. If you use too much sugar or not enough fruit, the jam will be too sweet or too runny. Conversely, if you use too much fruit, the jam may not gel. In this article, we are going to tell you everything about fruit sugar proportion jam.

Fruit sugar proportion jam: the basic data you need to know

The proportion of sugar and fruit in jam depends the type of fruit you use. For example, pectin-rich fruits, such as apples, lingonberries, and gooseberries, need less sugar to gel. Fruits lower in pectin, such as strawberries, cherries, and peaches, need more sugar to gel.

In general, the recommended sugar-to-fruit ratio for jam is two-thirds of sugar for a third of fruit. This means that for 1 kg of fruit you need to add 600-800 g of sugar to make jam. However, this proportion may vary depending on several factors such as:

  • TEA weight fruits: Heavier fruits may require more sugar to gel.
  • There proportion of pectin: If the fruits have a lower proportion of pectin, a greater quantity of sugar will be necessary to obtain a correct texture of jam.
  • TEA kind sugar: Some sugars, such as granulated sugar, may not be as effective for jam as special jam sugar, which contains citric acid and pectin.
  • TEA kind fruits: Sweet fruits, such as strawberries, may require more sugar to balance out their taste.

If you are cooking a jam made from fruits with a low pectin content, such as strawberries, you can increase the proportion of sugar. In general, it is recommended to use a sugar-to-fruit ratio of 1:1 for strawberries and sweet cherries. You can also add pectin-rich fruits to your jam for a better texture.

Homemade jam is a taste pleasure that many people appreciate. However, it is important to dose the sugar and the fruit well to obtain a successful jam. Indeed, the amount of sugar added must be in proportion to the fruit used. Thus, for red fruits, such as strawberries, raspberries or redcurrants, the recommended ratio is 800g of fruit for 500g of sugar. However, it is possible to slightly reduce this quantity of sugar to obtain a less sweet jam, but be careful, this can alter the conservation of the jam. To find out more about the right sugar dosage for a successful jam, you can consult Marie Claire’s article. But that’s not all, it is also important to respect the cooking time to obtain the perfect consistency of the jam. After bringing the mixture to a boil, let the preparation simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes, stirring regularly. To check the consistency of jam, simply scoop a small amount of liquid onto a spoon and let cool. If the consistency is too liquid, it will be necessary to prolong the cooking for a few minutes, stirring constantly to prevent the jam from burning. By following these few tips, you can make delicious homemade jams while controlling added sugar and taking full advantage of seasonal fruits.

Here is how to prepare fruit sugar proportion jam:

1. Wash and cut the fruit into small pieces.

2. In a saucepan, mix the fruit and sugar.

3. Add a few drops of lemon juice or citric acid to help gelling.

4. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer until the fruit is soft and the jam has reached the desired consistency.

5. For the jam into sterilized and sealed jars.

The preparation of jam is a true French culinary tradition. And yet, the success of a good jam is not always obvious, especially in terms of the proportions between sugar and fruit. However, simple tricks can allow you to make a success of your jam and to obtain a perfect balance between sugar and fruit. This is what the site “A sunny lunch” explains to us in an article entitled “Home cooking: a jam balanced in sugar and fruit”.

The first trick is to choose very ripe, good quality fruit, so that it is rich in sugar and natural pectin. Pectin is a substance that allows jam to jelly. Avoiding adding too much sugar preserves the natural taste of the fruit. For the sugar, it is advisable to use jam sugar for a better result. It contains citric acid, which allows a better preservation of the jam.

The second tip concerns the proportions of sugar and fruit. In general, we recommend using 1 kg of sugar for 1 kg of fruit. But it is possible to modify these proportions according to the fruit used. Tart fruits, such as raspberries or currants, require less sugar. Conversely, sweet fruits, such as pears or figs, require more sugar. The site thus advises us to remain vigilant not to add too much sugar to our jam.

Finally, for optimal conservation of the jam, it is advisable to use sterilized glass jars and turn the jars upside down during the first hour of cooling. Thus, the air is evacuated and the jam is better preserved.

By following these simple tips, you can make your homemade jam successful and achieve the perfect balance between sugar and fruit. So start preparing your own jam thanks to the advice of the site “A sunny lunch”.

“Home cooking: a jam balanced in sugar and fruit”

Fruit sugar proportion jam: the brands

Fruit sugar proportion jam: the brands

There are several brands of special sugar for jam on the market, such as Francine And Superfruit. These sugars contain ingredients specially designed to help jams gel.


Fruit sugar proportion jam is a delicious addition to your breakfast. It is important to know the appropriate proportions of sugar and fruit to obtain an ideal texture. Remember to vary the types of fruit for interesting flavors. By following this step-by-step method, you can make tasty and healthy homemade jam.


1. How long does it take to make jam?

In general, it takes between 30 minutes and an hour to make jam.

2. How do I know if the jam is ready?

The jam is ready when the temperature reaches 105°C. You can also test the consistency by pouring a little jam on a cold plate. If it freezes, the jam is ready.

3. How long can jam be kept?

The jam can be kept for up to a year if stored in sterilized and sealed jars.

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