The perfect recipe for a delicious currant jam!

La recette parfaite pour une confiture de groseille délicieuse !

How to remove seeds from currants in a few easy steps?

Here is an easy and delicious recipe for currant jam. The currant is a perfect fruit for jams and gourmet recipes. They are ready to use and easily adapted to all recipes.

To remove the seeds from the currants, simply place them in a freezer bag and roll them gently with a rolling pin. Then simply put them in a saucepan with a little water and cook them over low heat until tender. Once cooked, simply mash them with a fork and put them in a saucepan.

You can then use them to make a delicious gooseberry jam perfect for brunch.

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How to squeeze currants without crushing them?

Here is an easy and delicious recipe for currant jam. Fruits are perfect for making a gourmet and delicious jam.

Simply put the currants in a plastic bag and crush them with your hands. Then put the fruit in a saucepan with a little water and cook over low heat until the fruit is tender.

When the fruits are cooked, add the sugar and cook for a few more minutes. The jam is ready!

This jam is perfect for brunch or simply with a good bread.

How to destem currants easily and effortlessly?

Current jam is a classic gourmet jam. Here is an easy and quick recipe to prepare it.


– 500 g currants

– 250 g of sugar

– 1 teaspoon of lemon juice


1. Wash and drain the currents.

2. Put them in a saucepan with the sugar and lemon juice.

3. Cook over low heat for about 20 minutes until the fruit is cooked.

4. Cool and pour the jam into sterilized glasses.

This currant jam is perfect for brunch or for a cake. It keeps well and you can enjoy it all year round!

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