How to make a good jam?

Comment réussir une bonne confiture ?

Lemon juice preserves the color of the fruit by preventing it from oxidizing when sliced. It emphasizes the taste of the fruit. By acting on the pectin, it accelerates the fixing of the jam. A must for jam!

What fruits go well together?

What fruits go well together?
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Sweet fruits go well with semi-sour fruits… However, some fruits go better than others:

  • pineapple, orange and plum;
  • Lemon, apricot and fig;
  • Strawberry, Apple and Mint;
  • Raspberry, lemon and peach;
  • Mango, melon and apples;
  • pear, blackberry, lemon and apricot;
  • Peach, cherry and raspberry.

What fruits go well with pineapple? In terms of taste, pineapple goes well with exotic products such as mango, passion fruit, lychee, etc.

Also to read

Why put lemon juice in strawberry jam?

Why put lemon juice in strawberry jam?
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It maintains the color of the fruit. Lemon juice contains ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which blocks oxidation. When added to fruit at the start of cooking, it retains its color. It prevents the crystallization of sugar.

Why put lemon in jelly? “Lemon juice prevents the dissociation of the acid functions of pectin.” it actually adds pectin.

When to put lemon in jam? Lemon juice contains ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which blocks oxidation. When added to fruit at the start of cooking, it retains its color. It prevents the crystallization of sugar.

Which fruits to make jams?

Which fruits to make jams?
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Apricots, pineapple, banana, peach, nectarine, cherry, lemon, quince, fig, strawberry, raspberry, currant, kiwi, mango, chestnut, melon, mirabelle plum, blackberry, blueberry, orange, pear, apple, plum, plum, rhubarb € ¦ The choice of fruit jams is huge!

What is the minimum amount of sugar for jam? According to official texts, for a jam to be considered as such, it must contain 40% sugar and a maximum of 60% fruit. This sugar level corresponds to what is necessary for the optimal preservation of all fruits. The jam underneath does not stick well.

What is the best sugar for jams? With its grains twice as large as conventional powdered sugar, white granulated sugar is most often used by gourmets to make jams.

How to calculate the amount of sugar for jam?

How to calculate the amount of sugar for jam?
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1/1. Thus, the proportion (without the sugar already present in the fruit) should be 1 kg of sugar / 1 kg of fruit. This way the jam will keep very well.

How to measure sugar in jam? According to official texts, for a jam to be considered as such, it must contain 40% sugar and a maximum of 60% fruit. This sugar level corresponds to what is necessary for the optimal preservation of all fruits.

How much sugar for the jam? First point to respect: the right proportion of sugar and fruit. That is 800 g of sugar for 1 kg of fruit for the jam and 1 kg of sugar for 1 kg of fruit for the jelly. Jams that are not sweet enough do not behave very well. Use a maximum of 4 kg of fruit per cooking.

How do we make jam?

How do we make jam?
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Put the strawberries, sugar and lemon juice in a bowl with the jam, mix and leave to macerate for several hours. Bring to a boil. From now on, count the cooking time: 7 minutes with gelling sugar, otherwise 15 to 20 minutes. Maintain a high temperature and stir frequently.

How to avoid mold on homemade jam? In order not to spoil the sweet jams, a simple trick allows them to be kept longer. If a layer of mold appears on the jar, simply remove the stale part and add the powdered sugar using a teaspoon.

How do you know if the jam is ready? Using a thermometer is a pro tip (theoretical cooking temperature is 105°C). To more easily check that the jam is well cooked, perform a drop test on a cold plate: it must harden quickly, otherwise continue cooking.

Why put lemon juice in apricot jam?

Also prepare lemon juice: it will emphasize the taste of the fruit, preserve its flavor, it is conducive to the formation and preservation of jam, while preventing the crystallization of sugar in the jam.

How to thicken plum jam? For the mixture to thicken, simply cook the jam a little longer: the water will evaporate, the jam will thicken and solidify.

How many lemons are there in the jam? There is lemon juice per kilogram of fruit. A zest can also be added to make the flavors much more acidic. It promotes the preservation of jams and makes pectin work.

How to thicken jam?

To make homemade jam thicker, simply add apple chunks, apple juice, or apple pectin. To do this, simply cook the jam again, adding apple pectin.

How to thicken rhubarb jam? Therefore, there is no natural element that can prevent water from spilling into it during cooking. However, too much water prevents the jam from thickening as it should. To remedy this, it is necessary to add industrial pectin or other fruits.

Why is the jam too thin? Why does this happen? some fruits naturally do not contain enough pectin, which prevents the jam from hardening, the fruits are too full of water and suddenly the fruit/sugar ratio is disturbed or the jam is not cooked enough. .

How to replace lemon in jam?

To replace a teaspoon of lemon juice, add half a teaspoon of vinegar. When it comes to vinegar, choose one with a mild taste. You just need rice or apple cider vinegar.

How to substitute lemon zest? You can use lime zest or orange zest to replace the lemon zest. Candied citrus peel, lemon juice, lemon oil, or lime or lime extract are also tasty alternatives.

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