Secrets to Making Tasty Black Cherry Jam

Les Secrets pour Préparer une Confiture de Cerises Noires Savoureuse

Hello everyone, dear foodies! Today we will reveal to you the secrets of making delicious black cherry jam. Yes yes, you heard correctly, a tasty, smooth and brightly colored cherry jam. So, put on your aprons, and let’s go!

The ingredients needed to make your black cherry jam

Don’t worry, there’s nothing rocket science in this recipe. You just need to prepare:

– 1kg of black cherries very ripe

– 750g of sugar crystallized

– Juice of a lemon

This recipe can vary depending on your tastes, so don’t hesitate to experiment!

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How to prepare black cherry jam?

This is where the magic begins!

Start by pitting your cherries while retaining the juice. You can carry out this task using a pitter or manually (have a little patience if you choose the second option!).

Black cherry jam is a delicacy that you can prepare yourself at home, and which goes wonderfully with many side dishes. But to obtain a tasty finished product, you must follow certain preparation steps and techniques. Here are some secrets to making your black cherry jam a success.

Choosing fruit is a crucial step. Use very ripe but still firm black cherries. Fruits that are too soft or too ripe do not provide a pleasant texture and can make the jam too sweet. Additionally, good black cherry jam requires the use of pitted cherries. This can be tedious work, but it is essential for obtaining jam with the ideal consistency.

Adding sugar is another decisive step. Sugar not only contributes to the consistency of the jam, but it also helps with preservation. However, it is important not to add too much, otherwise the jam could become cloying. The general rule is to add about 700 grams of sugar for every kilo of pitted cherries.

Another tip for making tasty black cherry jam is adding a little lemon juice. Lemon juice helps enhance the flavor of the cherries and balance the sweetness of the sugar. Additionally, it contains pectin, which helps thicken the jam.

For more tips and tricks on making perfect black cherry jam, we recommend checking out “Discover grandmothers’ secrets for perfect black cherry jam”.

By following these few tips, you should be able to make tasty black cherry jams, worthy of large holiday tables!

Remember, cooking is above all an art, and like any art, the secret is not only in the proportions or techniques, but also in the love and passion you put into it.

Step 2: Macerate the cherries

Once your cherries pitted, place them in a saucepan with the sugar and lemon juice. Mix well and let sit for an hour (or overnight if you’re patient!), this helps extract the juice from the cherries.

Step 3: Cook your jam

Put your saucepan on the heat, and bring your mixture to a boil. Let it boil for about 10 minutes, then reduce the heat and simmer until the jam thickens.

And there you have it, your black cherry jam is ready to enjoy!

All that remains is to transfer this delicious jam into a sterilized jar, and that’s it! You can then enjoy this wonder on a slice of fresh bread every morning, what a joy!

It’s also a great gift for your loved ones, rest assured they will be delighted. And the best part is that, thanks to this recipe, you can enjoy the taste of the cherry even in winter. Simply store your jam in a cool, dry place, and it will keep for months.

So, dear foodies, what are you waiting for? prepare your black cherry jam? Taste it, and tell me about it!